Animal health and biosecurity workshops held in Vojvodina

Regional workshops on raising awareness about animal health and biosecurity were held in Palic and Novi Sad on 3rd and 4th of August 2021 organized by the project "Reinforcement of animal health and welfare". Due to current epidemiological situation both workshops were held as "hybrid", by combining online and live presentation by the experts.

Representative of Veterinary Directorate, representatives of veterinary stations and regional veterinary inspectors attended the workshops. The project experts presented Animal health prevention, control and biosecurity requirements that were prepared in line with EU legal provision. 

Some of the topics that were discussed under first part of the workshop dedicated to animal health prevention and control were related to new regulations on transmissible animal diseases, biosecurity on the animal holdings, implementation of biosecurity measures, surveillance programs for animal diseases - Classic Swine Fever, Aujeszky's disease, Bluetongue disease, Lumpy skin disease.

The second part of the workshops was dedicated to Emergency preparedness and contingency planning. The topics presented by the project's experts were related to which Emergency measures should be taken in the case of different animal diseases Avian Influenza, Newcastle disease, Foot and Mouth, Bluetongue disease, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Sheep and goat pox, Peste de pestits ruminants and Rift Valley Fever.

Project Team Leader Petras Maciulskis said "The project is assisting the Veterinary Directorate to reinforce animal health policy which effect sustainable animal husbandry in Serbia".

Animal disease control strategy will decrease risks of transmission of animal diseases to animal and people. Upgraded biosecurity on farms will better protect animal holdings from the diseases. It will also support sustainability of agriculture and environmental protection.

"Reinforcement of animal health and welfare" is EU funded project that provides support to the Veterinary Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in the process of harmonization with EU legislation and standards in the area of animal health, welfare and biosecurity.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13